داستان آبیدیک

metaphorical density


1 عمومی:: تراکم استعاری (میزان استفاده استعاره ای)

The measurement of the amount of metaphors used in the essays of our participants was based on the notion of metaphorical density (MD) (Kecskes & Papp, 2000). The index of metaphorical density measures the number of metaphorical words/sentences written in a text as a percentage of the total number of sentences written in the same text. If, for example, in a text consisting of 10 sentences, there appear 4 metaphorical sentences, then the MD index is calculated as follows: 4÷10 = 0.4 = 40%. The raters were given detailed instructions on how to identify metaphor in written discourse and how to apply the index of metaphorical density. After having assured that they were ready to apply the MIP and VIP, they were introduced to the MD index and subsequently they were asked to apply it on indicative sample texts in order to acquaint themselves with MIP and VIP.

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